Egyptian Cobra (Naja Haje)

The Egyptian Cobra is an afrikan Cobra int the family of true cobras (Naja) Like almost every cobra it can spread its hood to scare of enemies. The other type Naja Haje Legionis is already extinct, it is now only a coulour variation of Naja Haje. This species reaches a length of only over 2 meteres. It is not able to spit venom like some other cobras. Naja Haje is very shy and will flee if danger is in sight. If this strategy does not succeed it will raise its body and bite the enemy multiple times like the King Cobra. These Cobras posseses strong neurotoxine which ,if not cured correctly can lead to death. The Egyptian Cobra was (according to the legend) the snake used by Cleopatra for sueside causing her death because of the loss at war against the romans. Video

Posted on October 11, 2012, in Afrika, Cobras. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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